Moving Water Paddlesport

Delivering high quality coaching, from beginners through to moving water personal performance awards.

Date Duration Cost Bookings
TBC TBC £TBC Taking Bookings

Learn the introductory skills of white water kayaking and open canoeing, progressing into the moving water environment we will develop your boating skills to move and position your craft in this dynamic and demanding setting.

During the day we will look at the following to ensure to get the maximum out of the experience.

  • Personal equipment  Correctly fitted buoyancy aid; correct fit of boat; paddle length; rescue equipment; fitted airbags
  • Personal Paddling Skills – Reading moving water; hydrology; ferry gliding; reverse ferry gliding; breaking in and out of flows; appropriate speed, angle and position; trim of craft; carving; hazard identification
  • Rescue Skills – Capsize, swim and self-rescue; rescue a capsized paddler; rescuing equipment
  • Safety, Leadership & Group Skills – Personal risk management; awareness of others; CLAP

The course is delivered in the Yorkshire area,  on a classic grade 2 environment overseen by a qualified British Canoeing Moderate Water Endorsed coach.

This course needs a minimum of 4 people to run, to discuss prices for individuals or less than 4 please contact us for a price at

Please note that prices are for instruction and guiding only and do not include accommodation, transport and meal costs. We can provide recommendations for accommodation if required. By booking and paying a deposit you are accepting our Terms and Conditions. Please include your name in the payment reference and submit a booking form.


Why book with us?
RockRiver Expeditions are a family run company who pride themselves in delivering the best adventurous experience to one and all. We believe in a client centred approach to experiential learning in a friendly and approachable manner, working with our fully qualified British Canoeing coaches helping you to fulfil your dreams and ambitions.
Course Itinerary

The itinerary for the day can be built around your wants and needs of the discipline based upon your previous skills and experience. In general terms for someone who has very little knowledge of paddlesport the following sample itinerary will give a guide.

  • Fundamentals of paddlesport, posture, connectivity, power, feel
  • Personal equipment Correctly fitted buoyancy aid, correct fit of boat, paddle length
  • Personal Paddling Skills – Reading moving water; hydrology; ferry gliding; reverse ferry gliding; breaking in and out of flows; appropriate speed, angle and position; trim of craft; carving; hazard identification
  • Rescue Skills – Capsize, swim and self-rescue; rescue a capsized paddler; rescuing equipment
  • Safety, Leadership & Group Skills – Personal risk management; awareness of others; CLAP
What's Included
The following is included within the price.

  • Fully qualified British Canoeing Coach
  • Safety Equipment
What's Not Included
The following are not included in the price

  • Transport to and from the venue
  • Accommodation if required
Course Kit List

You will need to supply all of your own equipment for the course including the following.

  • Wetsuit/Dry Cag or Drysuit
  • Bouyancy Aid
  • Helmet
  • Spraydeck
  • Boat and Paddle
  • Throwline/safety knife/tape
Fitness & Training

To get the best out of the course you should arrive fit and well. If you have any doubts about your fitness levels please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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